Exciting News!
Pastor Francis Chan is coming to speak to us at an ICS Gospel Dinner on Dec 2, 2010
Pastor Francis Chan is coming to speak to us at an ICS Gospel Dinner on Dec 2, 2010
Date: Thursday, Dec 2, 2010
Reception: 6:30, Dinner: 7-10:00pm
Venue: Shatin Town Hall, Banquet Hall
Style: Chinese Banquet with 8 courses
Reception: 6:30, Dinner: 7-10:00pm
Venue: Shatin Town Hall, Banquet Hall
Style: Chinese Banquet with 8 courses
Cost: $2640/table for 12 (or $220/person)
Organized by the ICS PA, supported by ICS Board and School Administration.
Book your table now! Invite your friends and other parents. The tables are going fast...
Booking Contacts: Vanessa Chan - 9096 8984 / Maria Lau - 9732 7938
PA e-mail: ICSPAEXCO@gmail.com