Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ICS ExCo positions open

As ICS continues to expand, so does our need for parental involvement. Involvement in the ICS Parent Association allows parents to voice their concerns and ideas. It is also an opportunity for parents to be part of their child’s school life.

As we look forward to the next school year, it is time to choose new members for some of the positions on the Executive Committee (ExCo). If you would like to serve for a term in ExCo or know another member of the Parent Association you would like to recommend to serve, please read the nomination material and complete the Nomination Form that is posted on the ICS PA website

For the 2011-12 academic school year, the following positions are up for re-election or are open.
- Chairperson (1)
- Vice-Chairperson (2)
- Campus Representatives: Kindergarten (1), Elementary (3), Secondary (4)

Please return all Nomination Forms to the “PA Election Committee” by May 20, 2011. Please e-mail to the “PA Election Committee” or put the Nomination Form in an envelope marked “PA - Election”, and send it to school with your child. For Secondary parents, your child can give the envelope to the School Office.

The election will take place on May 30 2011, at the ICS Chapel 5th floor, during the AGM that begins at 7:30 p.m. Any last minute nominations can be written in on the ballot at the meeting.

Please fill out the Proxy Form here and email that or your details to: ICSPAExCo@gmail.com if you are unable to attend. As a member, your vote still counts!

We hope to see you there. Please contact the “PA Election Committee” if you have any questions.

PA Election Committee Chairperson:
Queenie Wong queenieyflo@yahoo.com
or ICSPAExCo@gmail.com

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Lunch 5/25

We will have the final Teacher Appreciation Lunch on Wed, May 25. Please bless all our teachers by helping contribute to this lunch - they really do appreciate it!

Please let us know whatever you can contribute by emailing ICSPAExCo@gmail.com and send in your dishes (enough to feed 10-15 people) by 11am to the 2/F Teacher Lunch Room

Thank you for your generosity!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Notice for PA Annual General Meeting (PA AGM) 10-11

The ICS PA AGM will be held on the 30th May 2011, 7:30 - 8:30 PM at the ICS Chapel, 5th Floor.

If you are not able to make it, your proxy vote will still count! Please fill out the Proxy Form here and email that or your details to: ICSPAExCo@gmail.com

Chairman's report, finance report, AGM Agenda, Nomination documents and open positions, will be posted/sent to you soon.