We've just about finished the second full week of school, and what a
whirlwind it's been! Before school even started a group of parents
became Buddy Families with new families to welcome them to the school. A
coffee morning and dim sum meal were planned to further their
fellowship. On orientation day ExCo members were on hand to participate
in a parent
panel for new parents to pose questions to or to ask for information
pertaining to settling into ICS, and in some cases, Hong Kong. PA Campus
representatives were asked to speak at Back to
School Nights and second-hand
uniforms have been made available on the "Re-uniform" table. This has
provided a great opportunity to recycle your students' outgrown uniforms
and unclaimed lost and found items.
Our first parent seminar is planned for September 16 after ES Chapel - learn about the importance of proper eye care starting at a young age. All welcome!