Monday, April 25, 2016


This year's ICS PA AGM will be held on ThursdayMay 26, 2016, from 7pm to 9pm at the Chapel.

We are grateful that Dr. Esther Su will be our special AGM speaker and she will be sharing with us a topic on serving in unity.
During the AGM, we will also be electing new members for some of the positions on the Executive Committee (ExCo). If you would like to serve for a term in ExCo or know another member of the Parent Association you would like to recommend to serve, please read the nomination material and complete the Nomination Form and Statement of Faith
For the 2016-17 academic school year, the following positions are up for re-election or are open.
-       Vice Chair (1), Secretary (1), Membership Secretary (1)
-       Campus Representatives: Kindergarten (1), Elementary (4), Secondary (4)
Please return all Nomination Forms to the PA ExCo by May 19, 2016.  Please e-mail to the or put the Nomination Form in an envelope marked “PA - Election”, and send it to school with your child. For Secondary parents, your child can give the envelope to the School Office.
If you cannot make the meeting, your vote will still count if you fill out the proxy form ( but we hope to see you there. 
Please email if you have any questions.

Friday, April 15, 2016


As far back as 2009, PA talked about ways to serve the community and save resources by organizing textbook, childrens' book and uniform swaps (exchanges). The uniform swap has become quite popular - who doesn't like to save a few dollars here and there. In the last couple of years the swap has become known as "Re-Uniform" and has been organized about three times - Back to School Night, Walktoberfest, and in the spring. Besides donations received from parents of their students' outgrown, but gently used uniforms, there are unclaimed, then laundered Lost and Found items as well.

PA seeks parent volunteers to help with Re-Uniform as well as helping Lost and Found items find their owners. One would be amazed to see how quickly things pile up! If you can lend a helping hand, please contact us.

University Advising event

PA is always considering how to engage the community by hosting or proposing events that may be of interest to parents each year.

Although there is a College Night at the beginning of the year and representatives from various schools visit on a regular basis for students to talk to, PA proposed an event to University Advising for HS parents to find out more about planning for college.

Advisors Sue Farley and Jon Widdifield organized a trio of sessions - information and planning, how to use Naviance, a new online tool, and a guest panel of alumni - students, Harry Fung and Jonathan Ho and parents, Mr. Fung and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. The panel provided valuable information and fielded questions from parents.

PA provided refreshments that were much enjoyed and gave everyone some time to mingle.